Cluster Up Fails To Push To The Registry On Docker For Mac 5,9/10 7417 reviews

Access fail with 'oc cluster up -public-hostname=' and redirect to Pod unable to pull image from private registry on Docker Hub.

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The documentation herein is for DTR version 2.2.

Use the drop-down below to access documentation for the current version or for a different past version.

Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) is a containerized application that runs on aswarm managed by Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP). It can be installedon-premises or on a cloud infrastructure.

Use these instructions to install DTR.

Step 1. Validate the system requirements

The first step in installing DTR, is ensuring yourinfrastructure has all the requirements DTR needs to run.

Step 2. Install UCP

Since DTR requires Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP)to run, you need to install UCP on all the nodes where you plan to install DTR.Learn how to install UCP.

DTR needs to be installed on a worker node that is being managed by UCP.You can’t install DTR on a standalone Docker Engine.

Step 3. Install DTR

To install DTR you use the docker/dtr image. This image has commands toinstall, configure, and backup DTR.

Run the following command to install DTR:

Cluster Up Fails To Push To The Registry On Docker For Mac

Where the --ucp-node is the hostname of the UCP node where you want to deployDTR. --ucp-insecure-tls tells the installer to trust the TLS certificates usedby UCP.

By default the install command runs in interactive mode and prompts foradditional information like:

  • DTR external url: the url clients use to read DTR. If you’re using a loadbalancer for DTR, this is the IP address or DNS name of the load balancer
  • UCP url: the url clients use to reach UCP
  • UCP username and password: administrator credentials for UCP

You can also provide this information to the installer command so that itruns without prompting.Check the reference documentation to learn more.

Step 4. Check that DTR is running

In your browser, navigate to the Docker Universal Control Planeweb UI, and navigate to the Applications screen. DTR should be listedas an application.

You can also access the DTR web UI, to make sure it is working. In yourbrowser, navigate to the address where you installed DTR.

Step 5. Configure DTR

After installing DTR, you should configure:

  • The certificates used for TLS communication. Learn more.
  • The storage backend to store the Docker images. Lean more.

To perform these configurations, navigate to the Settings page of DTR.

Step 6. Test pushing and pulling

Now that you have a working installation of DTR, you should test that you canpush and pull images to it.Learn how to push and pull images.

Step 7. Join replicas to the cluster

This step is optional.

To set up DTR for high availability,you can add more replicas to your DTR cluster. Adding more replicas allows youto load-balance requests across all replicas, and keep DTR working if areplica fails.

For high-availability you should set 3, 5, or 7 DTR replicas. The nodes whereyou’re going to install these replicas also need to be managed by UCP.

To add replicas to a DTR cluster, use the docker/dtr join command:

  1. Load your UCP user bundle.

  2. Run the join command.

    When you join a replica to a DTR cluster, you need to specify theID of a replica that is already part of the cluster. You can find anexisting replica ID by going to the Applications page on UCP.

    Then run:

  3. Check that all replicas are running.

    In your browser, navigate to the Docker Universal Control Plane web UI, and navigate to the Applications screen. All replicas should be displayed.

See also

docker, dtr, registry, install-->

An Azure container registry stores and manages private Docker container images, similar to the way Docker Hub stores public Docker images. You can use the Docker command-line interface (Docker CLI) for login, push, pull, and other operations on your container registry. Icewind dale mac torrent download.

In the following steps, you download an official Nginx image from the public Docker Hub registry, tag it for your private Azure container registry, push it to your registry, and then pull it from the registry.


  • Azure container registry - Create a container registry in your Azure subscription. For example, use the Azure portal or the Azure CLI.
  • Docker CLI - You must also have Docker installed locally. Docker provides packages that easily configure Docker on any macOS, Windows, or Linux system.

Log in to a registry

There are several ways to authenticate to your private container registry. The recommended method when working in a command line is with the Azure CLI command az acr login. For example, to log in to a registry named myregistry:

You can also log in with docker login. For example, you might have assigned a service principal to your registry for an automation scenario. When you run the following command, interactively provide the service principal appID (username) and password when prompted. For best practices to manage login credentials, see the docker login command reference:

Both commands return Login Succeeded once completed.


Always specify the fully qualified registry name (all lowercase) when you use docker login and when you tag images for pushing to your registry. In the examples in this article, the fully qualified name is

Pull the official Nginx image

First, pull the public Nginx image to your local computer.

Run the container locally

Execute following docker run command to start a local instance of the Nginx container interactively (-it) on port 8080. The --rm argument specifies that the container should be removed when you stop it.

Browse to http://localhost:8080 to view the default web page served by Nginx in the running container. You should see a page similar to the following:

Because you started the container interactively with -it, you can see the Nginx server's output on the command line after navigating to it in your browser.

To stop and remove the container, press Control+C.

Create an alias of the image

Use docker tag to create an alias of the image with the fully qualified path to your registry. This example specifies the samples namespace to avoid clutter in the root of the registry.

For more information about tagging with namespaces, see the Repository namespaces section of Best practices for Azure Container Registry.

Push the image to your registry

Now that you've tagged the image with the fully qualified path to your private registry, you can push it to the registry with docker push:

Pull the image from your registry

Use the docker pull command to pull the image from your registry:

Start the Nginx container

Use the docker run command to run the image you've pulled from your registry:

Browse to http://localhost:8080 to view the running container.

To stop and remove the container, press Control+C.

Cluster Up Fails To Push To The Registry On Docker For Mac

Remove the image (optional)

If you no longer need the Nginx image, you can delete it locally with the docker rmi command.

To remove images from your Azure container registry, you can use the Azure CLI command az acr repository delete. For example, the following command deletes the manifest referenced by the samples/nginx:latest tag, any unique layer data, and all other tags referencing the manifest.

Next steps

Now that you know the basics, you're ready to start using your registry! For example, deploy container images from your registry to:

Optionally install the Docker Extension for Visual Studio Code and the Azure Account extension to work with your Azure container registries. Pull and push images to an Azure container registry, or run ACR Tasks, all within Visual Studio Code.

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