Mac Mini For Avid Media Composer 8,9/10 8001 reviews


macrumors newbie
So now that Apple is pretty much NVidia all the way, does this open up new hardware options for running Avid? the Media Composer 3 specs basically say anything Intel/NVidia will run it.
I want to run Avid at home and don't really care what the hardware is, I'm just looking for the least expensive. Low end computers are fast enough to edit standard def these days. Performance wise the Mac Mini is about par with the low end 13' MacBookPro and is $500 cheaper after sales tax in Ontario.
Anyone successful running Avid on a Mac Mini? What do you run it on?
(on a complete side note, I've decided to ditch my ATI graphics Aluminum iMac since Snow Leopard and Avid aren't supporting that video card, which is a shame.)
Mac mini for avid media composer 2

Avid Media Composer ( replaces Avid Xpress) delivers more than 100 customizable real-time effects, professional-level color correction with waveform and vectorscope analysis, and multiple simultaneous real-time streams - all in software. $50/month or $1300. Dogxiong for Avid Media Composer Edit Faster Shortcuts Hot Keys USB Keyboard (Work for Mac OSX Mac iMac Pro Mini, MacBook Pro Air, PC.

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